1. You actually know what an acai bowl is and look forward to them as a treat. Most people will have no idea what an acai bowl is. Some fitness people may have heard of acai as a supplement, but will never have experienced an actual acai bowl. When you have your first...

Our Fundamentals Online Course is Almost Ready!

Aiming to provide more details on jiu jitsu techniques to our students, we created the Gracie Sydney Fundamentals Course. Taught by our well known coaches, Alex Prates and Owen Gee Kee, this course is simple, efficient and practical, to be watched many times, every...

Want to Breathe Better For Jiu-Jitsu?

The importance of proper breathing is fundamental to life – oxygen is everything! Learning to breathe correctly will contribute to greater available energy, calm your nervous system, help strengthen your immunity and nourish internal organs. According to...