Gracie Sydney Grading Syllabus
Blue Belt Grading

Gracie Sydney Grading Syllabus based on IBJJF graduation system
Pre Requirements:
- 2 Takedowns
- 4 Sweeps (Reversals) from Guard Position
- 2 Chokes from Guard Position
- 2 Arm locks from Guard Position
- 2 Chokes from top position (Mount, Side Control, Knee on the Belly, etc)
- 2 Arm locks from top position (Mount, Side Control, Knee on the Belly, etc)
- 2 Submissions from the Back Control
- 2 Guard Passes on top of guard position
- 1 Escapes from Side Control
- 2 Escapes from Mount
- 2 Escapes from Headlock (On Ground)
- Self Defence
- Stand in base
- Single Handed Wrist Grab – Thumb Up
- Single Handed Wrist Grab – Thumb Down
- Two Handed Wrist Grab
- Defence against two handed strangle
- Defence against front bear hug over arms
- Defence against front bear hug under arms
- Defence against standing headlock – Holding Only
- Defence against standing headlock – Holding & Hitting
Purple Belt Grading

Pre Requirements:
- 4 Takedowns
- 6 Sweeps (Reversals) from Guard Position
- 4 Chokes from Guard Position
- 4 Armlocks Locks from Guard Position
- 4 Chokes from top position (Mount, Side Control, Knee on the Belly, etc)
- 4 Armlocks from top position (Mount, Side Control, Knee on the Belly, etc)
- 4 Submissions from the Back Control
- 4 Guard Passes on top of guard position
- 2 Escapes from Side Control
- 2 Escapes from Mount
- 1 Escape from Knee on the belly
- 3 Escapes from Headlock (On Ground)
- Self Defence
- Blue Belt Self Defence, plus:
- Single Handed Collar Grab
- Defence against rear bear hug over arms
- Defence against rear bear hug under arms
- Standing Choke from behind
- Standing Choke & Drag from behind
- Defence against Standing Guillotine
Brown Belt Grading

Pre Requirements:
- 8 Takedowns
- 8 Sweeps (Reversals) from Guard Position
- 8 Chokes from Guard Position
- 8 Arm locks from Guard Position
- 8 Chokes from top position (Mount, Side Control, Knee on the Belly, etc)
- 8 Arm locks from top position (Mount, Side Control, Knee on the Belly, etc)
- 6 Submissions from the Back Control
- 8 Guard Passes on top of guard position
- 4 Leg Locks
- 4 Escapes from Side Control
- 4 Escapes from Mount
- 2 Escape from Knee on the belly
- 4 Escapes from Headlock (On Ground)
- Self Defence
- Blue & Purple Belt Self Defence, plus:
- Sucker Punch Defence
- Front Kick Defence
- Defence against Shoulder grab from side (Arm Bent)
- Defence against Shoulder grab from side (Arm Straight)
- Defence against Hair/Throat Grab
- Defence against Single Lapel Grab