New Years Resolutions can be tricky. We want to set goals for ourselves to bring about a higher, if not the best possible, improvements to our lives. We have such good intentions for ourselves. To do this means changing habits that are ingrained activities (or lack of) and behaviors.
The problems in keeping these resolutions comes in with the idea of a resolution as an “All-or-Nothing” affair which can ultimately detriment our growth as soon as we don’t “Do it All” completely the way we thought we would. Imagine a toddler giving up on walking because she falls down the first time. To learn something new and to change necessarily means you will come across not only failure in the activity but resistance in yourself to the perceived difficulty of these new changes and the shift away from old ingrained habits.
To help yourself change you will need both forgiveness and persistence. Forgiveness for when you fall and persistence to keep trying until what is a new experience becomes a natural habit for you.
The greater the changes we wish to make the harder it will be to do it all perfectly at once RIGHT NOW. Taking small yet consistent changes however, will lead to bigger and better ones.
Some ways to ensure progress with your goals happens:
• Begin with a small manageable goal that is in line with your bigger goal. For example, for the next three weeks I want to train twice a week. By the end of 21 days you have now begun a habit of going to the gym twice a week.
• Drop the negative self talk when you don’t always achieve your set goals and instead focus on what you did actually accomplish and what you will do next. Journaling or recording your activity can easily show you how far you have come.
• Find a support system for your new changes by:
– Educating yourself about how you can accomplish your goal.
– Get motivation by find out and reminding yourself why you wish to accomplish it.
– Have support for your specific goals for when you lose motivation or aren’t sure about your next step. This will help you get back in touch with the how to and why of your goal. A support system can consist of those who train with you, your instructor, or your family; anyone who contributes to you achieving your goals.
As any long term martial artist will tell you the last factor- an active support system of others- is perhaps the most important. We all may waiver in our dedication at times but together as a team we simply can not fail!
Come in to Gracie Sydney BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) for a FREE Trail class today. To see all the classes we offer, visit our Programs page.