On Saturday the 21st of April Joao held his final class at GSA Headquarters. What a turnout!
With approximately 100 people coming to take part in the seminar, space was at a premium. It
was a packed out mat and everyone could see why with Joao showing some of his signature
blend of moves and positions he is renowned for. It was a series of moves that everyone got
something out of and we are sure to see Joao’s fingerprints through the GSA student ranks as
they incorporate his moves into their game.
The whole GSA team would like to wish Joao the very best of luck in all his endeavours, and we
are all sure that his new venture in Brazil will be a huge success. We will miss you brother but
look forward to seeing you either your new academy or on holidays back here! For all that you
have done for us we will be eternally grateful!!!