Gracie Kids Summer Grading is just around the corner: Saturday November 8th, 10am sharp @  Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

Eligible Students at listed below. If your child is eligible you will then need to register to confirm. Register at Reception or visit  To review the full Grading Syllabus for each belt Click Here. The Syllabus contains all the movement, techniques, knowledge, and fitness skills children will have to demonstrate on the day of testing. Family and friends are welcome to attend grading in support of our Gracie Kids. This is also a great event to watch for current white belt child students to attend so that they know what to expect for their own grading. Grading is expected to run till 11:30am at the latest. Please make sure children are on time, in their gis, and ready to go for grading!

graciekids round logo

Eligible Students: 

Grey/White Belt:

Zoe D

Denna K

Tex H

Amelia H

Willem C


Grey Belt:

James H

Luke H

Lukas B

Beau R

Dakota F

Jett F

Jaedon S


Grey/Black Belt:

Billy G


Yellow Belt:

Jessie G


Orange/White Belt:

Jay M