Register for KIDS GRADING

Children who are eligible for grading this Saturday should register by this Friday online on at reception @ Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). Grading will begin at noon and run approximately and hour and a half, each belt group testing together one after the...

Gracie Sydney takes FIRST

We are so proud and our heart is with you all- especially those who lost but never gave up. Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is back on top of the team rankings after the second Triple Bull Comp this weekend! Huge effort from both our kids and adults throughout...

360° Half Guard Flow Roll

Here’s a little flow drill our instructors at Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), Owen and Ari were working today from half guard. For more BJJ videos, visit out Video Page.  

Gracie Kids Grading Sat 20th

Our next Kids Belt Grading is just around the corner at Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)! Here is a list of toddlers, kids and teens who are eligible to grade for their next belt. If your name is in this list make sure to register in house or online (click...

New Mats! NSW’s largest BJJ mat area.

Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) just got a new set of mats in! These are they mats that are used for Olympic Judo competition and at all IBJJF tournaments worldwide. Thanks to all of our team we came out to lend some muscle we got all 120+ mats up the stairs...