Thinking of all of our students who represented Gracie Humaita in the Autumn Cup last weekend, in addition, of course, of all Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu lovers, we have separated some tips to help you not lose your gas in decisive moments of rolls over and stay willing.
It is important to remember that improvement and even perfection requires constancy and discipline. Without that, no other tip is able to take you further in BJJ or any other sport. But we are pretty sure you already know that, right? We hope so!
1. Do a good warm-up at the beginning of training and before competing.
Following the advancement of science, studies that aim to improve the athlete’s performance today already say that there’s no longer a need for static stretching before physical activity. Instead, choose dynamic stretches. Explore myofascial release, glute activation, work on joint mobility – the latter two being very important in preventing injuries.
2. Control the number of rolls per week.
Each training phase requires a greater or lesser number of hours trained per week. You cannot and don’t actually need to do 10 to 15 rolls a day, after all, you are not at war! It’s not ideal that you always train at your limit because that way both the body and the mind don’t have time to recover properly and, with this, you end up hurting yourself or doing less in training. No excess is good.
3. Decrease the amount of training close to the competition
This is what sports science calls polishing. At this stage it is very important that you recover your body to get well in the competition and deliver your best performance. Many people think the opposite and try to give a gas in the end, but the truth is that it will only make your body tired and put you at risk of possible injuries. Trust the process you’ve gone through to get there. Skill is construction!
4. Align physical fitness and Jiu-Jitsu training.
This is a precious tip for everyone, but especially for those who are thinking of competing in jiu-jitsu. Physical fitness training cannot be a competitor to your training on the mat, but integrated and complementary work! A conversation between the professionals who take care of both workouts to align the goals in each area of work can be the great trick to improve your performance instead of robbing you of energy and disposition.
5. Train specific goals in a fight.
Have you ever wondered if you trained in possible positions that could occur in combat, how could you be caught off guard on a smaller scale? This type of training gives you goals to perform in specific situations. For example: you are in half-guard and you have 30 seconds to score five points or finish. This forces you to make quick decisions and never give up on reaching your goal.
6. Train speed.
Those who only train slowly end up becoming a slow athlete because they do not stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers. If the opponent manages to impose a fast pace on the roll, for example, it is likely that the slow athlete will suffer in terms of gas. Therefore, train quickly and you will become faster, thus always managing to be ahead of your opponent in terms of pace.
7. Simulate the competition.
It is important to have in training a day when the athlete simulates the real conditions of the competition, with times of fight, rest, scores etc. Even the simulation of people cheering against is a valid resource to work on emotional aspects, since they can directly influence the competitor’s disposition.
8. Make your diet follow your training phases.
The jiu-jitsu athlete needs to feed according to the phases of the training and the goals of the moment. Each type of training requires an adequate amount of nutrients. For example, the rolls require more carbohydrates, while strength and power training is less so. So, having a nutritional program aligned with training can also be a decisive factor.
9. Know well before using supplements.
Do not take food supplements just because a colleague or a digital influencer does. There are many substances that, in addition to being harmful, don’t work or are in the wrong quantities. Each workout and each individual has a specific amount to take from each supplement according to the training goals. That is, it is something extremely complex and must be in the hands of those who have really studied and understand the subject: a health professional.
10. Sleep well.
Sleep is the main mechanism for the recovery of the body and mind. The athlete who has a good night’s sleep will be stronger and more ready the next day for the continuation of training or competition. If you hit that nervousness before getting on the mat to compete, bet on a chamomile tea and remember to trust your journey.
And here we go one more time remembering you all how important it is to have constancy, focus, a good night of sleep and a healthy diet. We are not just talking about the competition season, but every single day on the routine of the one who loves the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! We hope these tips help you to keep yourself willing and never give up on being your own number one. As always: you can count on us.
See you on the mats,
Gracie Humaita Sydney.
by Fernanda Monteiro