Prof. Bruno is back and we are having a Belt Grading for eligible Gracie Sydney BJJ students. On Sat. August 29th beginning at 11am is the adult belt grading testing. This will be followed by an Association wide BBQ @ South Maroubra Beach Park from 2pm on!
Members are welcome to bring Friends and Family to enjoy this event together and eat some great Brazilian BBQ!
If you have not seen a belt testing before it is a good idea to come and watch to get an idea of what will be required of you.
Keep an eye out for our list of students who will be eligible to test at the belt grading and make sure to prepare by reviewing the techniques on the Grading Syllabus as well as taking advantage of our Instructors knowledge to ask questions about techniques you are unfamiliar with.
To view this event on FB and RSVP Click here.