Xmas BBQ 2019

Come and celebrate the end of year with Gracie Humaita Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) having an authentic Brazilian BBQ! The BBQ will take place December 7th (Saturday), 1pm, at South Maroubra SLSC Park. All the meat will be provided by Gracie Humaita Alexandria....

Saturday Aug 29th- Open Mat/Grading/BBQ

**UPDATES to our big Winter event for our whole Gracie Humaita Australia Team** Saturday, August 29th- OPEN MAT will start at Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) at 9am, BELT GRADING for eligible  students beginning at 11am followed by an ASSOCIATION WIDE BBQ at...

Autumn BBQ Party last Saturday

Thanks for the fantastic BBQ party Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Team! Happy Birthday to Prof. Marcos Nevel and a ‘see you soon!’ to Prof. Bruno Panno. No better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than together- beach, games, tasty Brazilian...

Gracie Sydney BBQ this Saturday!

Come and join us for an authentic Brazilian BBQ at South Maroubra SLSC Park. BYO drinks only, all the meat will be provided and will be Brazilian Grill style. All family and friends of Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) are welcome to attend. This event will...