The next installment of the Sydney Spring Cup BJJ Competition is THIS weekend! Saturday, August 22nd at the Sydney Uni Sports and Aquatic Centre. Registration has been extended to Tuesday, August 18th. In order to enter this competition you must first register with the Australian Federation of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (AFBJJ) HERE and then go to to register for the event.
The Sydney Spring Cup BJJ Competition is a three star, Gi Only AFBJJ ranked tournament for both children, juveniles, and adults. It is the third in the series of four formerly know as the Triple Bull BJJ Comp. The format, rules and prizes are all still the same with free entry for all black belts as well as four tickets to the IBJJF Worlds in California in 2016 for division winners over the whole series of competitions.
We know our students have been training hard in class and competition class and now is a great time to put your skills to work! For more information about BJJ competitions or competing for the first time, check out this article from our GSA Blog.
To keep an eye out for more comps from this series you can follow the Sydney Cup BJJ Circuit on Facebook.