One of the world’s most prestigious grappling tournament is underway in Abu Dhabi, The Abu Dhabi Pro Cup has commenced drawing qualifying athletes from around the world to compete for cash prizes in their divisions and open weight brackets.
In particular Gracie Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) would like to give a shout out of our continued and whole hearted support to our Blue Belt Female Competitor and Hyperfly Athlete, Mary ‘MOO’ Wildner! She is in Abu Dhabi now and has weighed in ready for comp. You can follow her experience on her Facebook page HERE. We are all behind you MOO, know that you do us and our country proud representing us on this elite international stage.
To watch all the matches live as well as replays of all the Kids divisions Click Here
Abu Dhabi Pro Cup 2015 Competitors Schedule:
22nd April – Children’s Cup starting from 11:00am, ending at 3pm (Boys – White/Gray/Yellow/Blue)
23rd April Fight day for:
All Purple, Brown, Black Belt (ADULT male and female) Tournament Starts 9:00am – Doors Open at 8:00am (fighters must arrive 1 hour before the fight schedule)
24th April Fight day for:
All White and Blue belt (ADULT male and female)
All White, Blue, Purple, Brown Black (MASTERS male)
25th April Fight day for:
OPEN (ALL ADULT male and female)